Monday, September 24, 2012

Newborn Digs: The Plan

I am currently 8 months pregnant with our second daughter (yay!) and am coming to terms with the fact that even though our first daughter is not even 2 yet, most of what we have is either out of date, or just not my style anymore.  Does it bother me enough to go buy new things?  No.  However, it does frustrate me enough that I want to invest in a little updating where I can pull it off.

My latest dilemma is surrounding the bassinet.  When we had our first daughter, we thought we were incredibly clever by purchasing a 3 in 1 bassinet that had a changing table piece you attach on top so we could save space.  However, when you are up for weeks with no more than 2 hours of a sleep at a time from nursing around the clock, have a crying baby, a husband who seems to sleep and snore through anything, and are trying to juggle that and putting your changing table up with only 1 hand, you suddenly don't feel so clever.  It was a great idea in theory, but not for us.

We ended up getting a pack and play with a changing table that is already attached at the end once our daughter got too tall for the bassinet and it was like heaven- the beauty of hindsight!  We had our daughter in our room with us until she was 6 months old (as recommend by the Pediatrician) and plan to do so again with our second, so last week I had my husband pull it out of the closet so we could start arranging the room and prepare for our second little bundle of joy.

This is when I think I actually looked at it for the first time- oh my.

Surely I had better taste back then, it was only over a year ago that we purchased it!  The colors, the patterns, the look and design...I couldn't help but want to pout.  Functionality wise, it is still everything I could possibly want or need.  But is it fit for my second precious little girl?  No. Well, not yet anyway- I have a plan!

Since I have basically have no time to sow something myself, which I am seriously tempted to do, I had to settle for finding a more creative approach.  I want to essentially create a cover that will go around the pack and play and hide the design so it matches the decor of our bedroom.  After toying around with several ideas and some price comparisons, I settled on ordering 2 wrap around bed ruffles which I will be attaching to the pack and play, then adding a canopy on top.  So, I get to keep the practical and add a much more sophisticated look then you can even buy.

So stay tuned for Sofia vs. Pack and Play, I will post the pictures of my process so I don't leave out any gory details!  

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